Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 2 Rick couldn't find the blog

I hope others have a better idea of how to follow this system than Rick.  I had to help him locate the blog this afternoon.  Rick and Roger S. put their heads together last night to come up with an idea to steer the boat from the top.  Luckily, I was in St. Louis, so I was able to get a needed part at Cabella's.  The batteries are hooked up, the gas tanks are on, and the motors work.  We are still thinking Friday!  We think that Eric will be able to travel with us to Wisconsin and then return our truck.  No work this afternoon as we are going to Peoria for Oktoberfest!!!!  John S. says this trip will be an item to cross off our "bucket list".  Never thought of it that way, but if it is the case, my list is very, very long and it is good to get started.  Diane

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